Our Team

Just as the saying goes there is a shrimp behind a rock , there is also a solid team behind Local Patrika. They are the ones who brought Local Patrika to become one of the best News Portal in Nepal, presenting up-to-date news and information, and always helping Nepali users who are having problems. Who are they?

At Local Patrika, we are proud to have a dedicated team of professionals who are passionate about technology and committed to providing our readers with high-quality news and analysis. Get to know our team members below.

Our team is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of Local Patrika. They work together to ensure that Local Patrika is always operating efficiently and effectively.

The following is the current core team of Local Patrika.

Nikhil Agrawal, Editor in Chief — Founder

He is the one who manages the traffic for the publication of articles on Local Patrika. Even though his main responsibility is as an editor, he often participates in writing too because writing has always been his main passion.

Sahil Jodhani, Writer

One of the geeky writers whose writing is dominated by technical tricks for advanced users.