Top 10

5 Best Dumbbell Workout Apps for Gym and Home Workout

Best Dumbbell Workout Apps for Gym and Home Workout

In our increasingly busy lives, finding the time to hit the gym can be a challenge. Thankfully, advances in technology have brought the gym to our homes, making it easier than ever to get into a solid workout. The dumbbell is one of the most versatile pieces of equipment for home or gym workouts. While dumbbells are straightforward to use, having guided workouts can make your training far more effective. This is where dumbbell workout apps come in handy.

In this article, we will delve into the top 5 best dumbbell workout apps for gym and home workouts.

Top 5 Best Dumbbell Workout Apps for Gym & Home Workout

Here are the five best dumbbell workout apps for 2023 to level up your gym and home workouts.

Best Dumbbell Workout AppsAvailability
JEFIT Gym Workout Plan & Log TrackerGoogle Play Store / App Store
My Workout Plan – Daily Workout PlannerGoogle Play Store / App Store
StrongLifts Weight Lifting LogGoogle Play Store / App Store
Fitbod Workout & Fitness PlansGoogle Play Store / App Store
Seven: 7 Minute WorkoutGoogle Play Store / App Store

1. JEFIT: Workout Planner Gym Log

Best for: Comprehensive Tracking
Price: Free/ $69.99 per year | Rating: 4.4/5 | Reviews: 83.1K | Downloads: 5M+

JEFIT Gym Workout Plan and Log Tracker
JEFIT: Gym Workout Plan and Log Tracker

JEFIT offers an extensive range of customizable workouts focusing on different muscle groups and various types of equipment, including dumbbells. Its detailed analytics and tracking capabilities allow you to keep an eye on your progress over time, making it easier to achieve your fitness goals. The app also includes social features, where you can share your progress with friends or join communities to stay motivated.

Key Features:

  • Detailed analytics
  • Customizable workout plans
  • Social features for motivation

Platform: iOS, Android

2. My Workout Plan – Daily Workout Planner

Best for: Simplicity and Ease-of-Use
Price: Free/ $9.99 per year | Rating: 4.7/5 | Reviews: 10.6K | Downloads: 1M+

My Workout Plan - Daily Workout Planner
My Workout Plan – Daily Workout Planner

If you are looking for an app that gets straight to the point, My Workout Plan might be the app for you. It provides a straightforward interface where you can easily choose from a variety of pre-set dumbbell workouts or create your own. The timers and audio cues guide you through each exercise, making it ideal for beginners.

Key Features:

  • Workouts, routines, and exercises history – view all your workouts history and see how your progress goes
  • Online sync and backup – sync and backup all your data to the cloud, and share it among other devices
  • Body measurements – add your body metrics over time and see how you gain mass or lose weight

Platform: iOS, Android

3. StrongLifts Weight Lifting Log

Best for: Strength Training
Price: Free/ $99.99 Lifetime | Rating: 4.6/5 | Reviews: 97.7K | Downloads: 1M+

StrongLifts Weight Lifting Log
StrongLifts Weight Lifting Log

StrongLifts has been a go-to weightlifting tracker since 2011, earning a 4.9 rating and over 50,000 five-star reviews in the US. Known for its user-friendly and intuitive interface, the app minimizes hassle by automating features like weight increases and deload options. Developed by a powerlifter, it adheres to the principles of Progressive Overload to ensure consistent growth. With options for both free and Pro features, StrongLifts offers a streamlined experience for lifters of all levels, allowing you to focus on your workout and achieve real results.

Key Features:

  1. 5×5 Strength Program: A built-in 5×5 workout for strength gains, suitable for all levels.
  2. Auto Weight Increase: Automatically adjust weights for your next workout to help you progress.
  3. Deload Options: Features for automatic deloading, useful for breaking plateaus or returning after a break.
  4. Rest Timer & Scheduler: Includes an auto rest-timer and a workout scheduler for optimal time management.
  5. Pro Customization: The Pro version allows custom routines, a library of 100+ exercises, and warmup/plate calculators.

Platform: iOS, Android

4. Fitbod Workout & Fitness Plans

Best for: Personalized Workouts
Price: Free/ $79.99 Lifetime | Rating: 4.6/5 | Reviews: 16.1K | Downloads: 1M+

Fitbod Workout & Fitness Plans - Home & Gym Strength Training
Fitbod Workout & Fitness Plans – Home & Gym Strength Training

Fitbod Workout & Fitness Plan is designed to offer a highly personalized workout experience, whether you’re in the gym or your living room. The app utilizes an innovative algorithm that not only considers your current strength-training abilities but also adapts to your past workouts and available equipment. The aim is to push your limits by varying intensity and volume between sessions, ensuring that no muscle group is left behind.

The app also adds a layer of variety by introducing new exercises, bolstered by over 400 HD demonstration videos, making it ideal for both beginners and seasoned strength trainers. Fitbod even integrates with Apple Watch to help you stay on track and focused during your workouts.

Key Features of Fitbod:

  1. Personalized Workout Plans: The app uses a powerful algorithm to tailor workouts based on your strength, past routines, and available equipment.
  2. Adaptive Intensity: Between workouts, Fitbod varies the intensity and volume to maximize gains and ensure balanced muscle development.
  3. Exercise Library: Over 400 HD demonstration videos help users grasp new strength-building exercises and use gym equipment correctly.
  4. Achievements Tracking: Fitbod showcases your personal best as achievements, helping you to stay motivated.
  5. Apple Watch Integration: Easily view your training plan, track progress, and stay focused with Apple Watch compatibility.

Platform: iOS

5. Seven: 7 Minute Workout

Best for: Quick Workouts
Price: Free/ $39.99 per year | Rating: 4.6/5 | Reviews: 100K | Downloads: 5M+

Seven 7 Minute Workout - Daily HIIT Exercise at Home
Seven 7 Minute Workout – Daily HIIT Exercise at Home

The Seven: 7 Minute Workout app brings efficiency and fun to fitness, offering workouts designed around scientific studies to maximize results in minimal time. Whether your goal is to get fit, lose weight, or get strong, Seven customizes workout plans to suit your individual needs. The app’s flexible format allows you to exercise anywhere, anytime, with no equipment required. You can also spice up your fitness journey by challenging friends and unlocking various achievements, ranging from novice to athlete levels. With a variety of instructors like the Drill Sergeant and Cheerleader, Seven ensures your workouts are not just effective but also engaging.

Key Features of Seven: 7 Minute Workout

  1. Science-Based Workouts: Exercises are designed based on scientific studies to ensure maximum benefits in just 7 minutes.
  2. Personalized Plans: Tailored workouts adapt to your specific fitness goals and level, whether you’re a beginner or an athlete.
  3. Social Challenges: The app allows you to compete with friends for added motivation and accountability.
  4. Achievement System: As you progress, earn achievements to mark your journey from a novice to an athlete.
  5. Variety of Instructors: Choose from a roster of engaging instructors like the Drill Sergeant and Cheerleader to keep your workouts interesting.

Platform: iOS, Android

Whichever dumbbell workout app you choose, the most important factor is your commitment to consistently working out and pushing your limits. With the aid of these dumbbell workout apps, both beginners and veterans can get more from their workout routine, whether they’re at the gym or in the comfort of their own homes.


In conclusion, the digital age has given us the tools to take control of our fitness journey right from our smartphones and tablets. Whether you’re a seasoned gym-goer or someone looking to start a home workout routine, these dumbbell workout apps for Android and iPhone offer a range of features to suit your needs.

From comprehensive tracking and analytics to quick 7-minute workouts, these apps cater to various fitness goals and schedules. By integrating one of these workout apps into your workout routine, you can optimize your use of dumbbells for strength training, muscle building, or general fitness. Commitment and consistency remain key, but with the aid of these advanced tools, achieving your fitness goals may be just a few taps away.